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Kick-off meeting: Trento

The 18th and 19th December 2015 there was in Trento the first Meeting of the partners of SWORD project - acronym of "School and WOrk-Related Dual learning" – Erasmus plus project which aims at identifying new models to connect school and work and regarding the school-to-labour-market transition. The goal of the meeting was to plan the next three project years.

Lead partner of the project is the Department of Knowledge of the Autonomous Province of Trento.

In the meeting were present the representatives of the Autonomous Province of Trento and of all the future project partners.

The topic of the meeting was the identification of the project goals, with a specific reference to the intellectual outputs expected from SWORD project.

In the first day, the partners presented themselves and their activities, explaining the alternance training and the dual model existing in their respective areas, especially as regards the training models implemented in their regions. Furthermore, the partners stated precisely what they expect as results of the project.

In the second day the first intellectual output foreseen by the project was examinated, this consist in a comparative analysis of the different regional contexts, which represents an essential information and starting point for the partners to carry out all subsequent project activities.

SWORD project is located in one of the two pillars of the legislature programme of the current local government of Trentino and it follows initiatives and projects which the Province of Trento has been implementing for years and which aim at an increasing development of alternance training as a tool

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