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II meeting: Hamburg


18th to 20th May 2015 in Hamburg there was the second official meeting of the SWORD project.

The main goal of the host partner, Arbeit und Leben Hamburg, was to give an overall view of the German Dual System model to all other SWORD partners.From one hand, in Germany, this model is a choice open to everyone, from the other hand, the main indicator of the success of this model, lies in the low unemployment rate found in the 15-24 age range.In the first day, the German partners, with the help of two experts of the Craft Chamber of Hamburg, explained that apprenticeship is the mainstream educational path in German and that, thank to this method, young apprentices:

  • learn how to behave in a workplace environment;
  • get to know the labour market;
  • are able to transfer the acquired competences to a different workplace.

SWORD partners could see the a presentation regarding the organization structure of the Chamber of Crafts which is one of the key players of the German Dual system. The meeting encompasses a visit to two different enterprises and a visit to the schools connected with these ones. After the visit to the schools, the partners partecipated to a joint workshop in order to create a summary about the experiences of the last two days. The German partners introduced a helping tool for the other partners to use: a list of 25 questions regarding the elements of a Dual System (based on the German model) to answer in order to have a greater awarness of their own system while implementing a pilot action.

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